Unsere Shala - Informationen und Vermietung
Ashtanga Yoga Shala - Facts and Rental
In 2018 we opened our new Shala in Saarbrücker Straße 26 near subway Senefelder Platz. Based on the experience of 13 years in our previous location in Brunnenstraße we have created the best possible practice space for the Berlin Ashtanga scene.
In 2018 haben wir die unsere neue Ashtanga-Shala in Saarbrücker Straße 26 eröffnet. Basierend auf unserer Erfahrung von 13 Jahren Unterricht in der Brunnenstraße haben wir die aus unserer Sicht ideale Yogashala für die Berliner Ashtangies erschaffen!
It's just a space - but it shows we care for the details!
See what is waiting for you besides our wonderful teacher team:
- 75qm practice space (almost square)
- Separate changing areas
- Two showers with free organic shampoo and soap
- Gorgeous quiet space with huge garden windows
- Eco wooden floor with organic oil surface
- Energy saving underfloor heating
- Top-notch air purifier against viruses, dust and smell
- Lounge area with Yoga library and free tea
- Mat storage system for regular students
- Weekly steamed desinfected rental mats
- Towel rental
- top modern building with central wood / solar heating
- renewable energy supply
- free wifi
- lots of love and individual attention